Engine Repairs

Head gaskets, rebuilds or full replacement 


Engine Repairs

Have you been noticing a cloud of smoke coming out of your exhaust?

Is your engine losing power even though you are putting your foot down?

Perhaps you are hearing some pretty horrible noises from under the bonnet.

First thing to do is bring your car into the workshop.

Engines that are not running properly can cause damage to the internal components.

A full engine replacement is the last thing any one wants to do. They can be quite costly.

So what repairs can be done to revive and save the engine in your car?

There are so many systems to make a car engine run smoothly. 

Our experienced technicians will go through the process of elimination starting at the most obvious.

So how can you tell where the most obvious place to start is?

It will be a combination of common issues with the type of engine as well as the symptoms the car is displaying.

If the vehicle is blowing smoke then what colour is that smoke?

These indicators can tell you a lot about what is going wrong.

One of the most common engine repairs is oil leaks and head gaskets. 

However we also offer engine rebuilds to bring your current engine back to good working order.

Engine Replacement

There are at times where the engine is not able to be salvaged or the costs of repair outweigh the replacement.

Let us give you options on where to go from here.

Genuine engine replacement from the manufacturer is an option. 

However, depending on the cost and age of the vehicle a second hand engine may be the answer.

Our team are able to source second hand engines for all makes and models.

We will always endeavour to find an engine with similar or less kms than the odometer.

A FREE follow up check at 1000 kms from the engine fitment to keep warranty valid.

Ask us about finance options available.