Roadworthy Certificate Ormeau
Are you located in Ormeau and needing mobile Roadworthy Certificate?
Our team of professional mechanics and examiners make it easy. We come to you either at work or home.
We understand the confusion and stress that registering and transferring vehicles can cause. Our fully qualified roadworthy examiners will be happy to go through a step-by-step process in helping you understand the steps involved to secure a completed roadworthy certificate for your vehicle.
We are licensed to carry out inspections on:
- Cars (LV Up to 4.5t
- Motorcycles
- Traliers and Caravans (Light and Heavy)
- Trucks (Heavy)
Other mobile services available for Ormeau include:
- Modification plates
- HVRAS measure ups
To make a booking for today Call Now 07 5500 5603